Title: | Design and Development of Alfuzosin Hydrochloride Controlled Release Tablets |
Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Health Informatics (JSHI) |
Author(s): | Dr.Jayanthi Bangaru |
[PDF File (257 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Ovicidal, Larvicidal and Pupicidal Activities of Essential oils of Citrus hystrix againts Aedes aegypti Based on Nanoemulsion Technology |
Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Bioinformatics (JBIO) |
Author(s): | Niken Subekti, Asni Puraedah, Dewi Susilowati, Shindi Dwi Agustiana and Annisa Lidiawati |
[PDF File (247 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Activity of n-hexane Compounds and Ethyl Acetate of Gaharu Leaf (Aquilaria malaccensis) to Control of Coptotermes curvignathus Ground Termites with Nanoparticle Technology |
Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Bioinformatics (JBIO) |
Author(s): | Niken Subekti, Isma Nurvaizah, Barep Purbo Susilo, Titi Alfath, Retno Wulandari and Siti Holifah |
[PDF File (427 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Synthesis of Analogues of Dicoumarol and Their Biological Evaluation |
Issue: | Journal of Selected Areas in Bioinformatics (JBIO) |
Author(s): | Julie C Obi and Tagbo E Ezenwa |
[PDF File (257 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Use of Steel Slag Waste as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete Production |
Issue: | International Journal of Engineering (IJE) |
Author(s): | Dr.D.Gopinath and Dr.K.Natarajan |
[PDF File (257 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | Use of Steel Slag Waste as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete Production |
Issue: | International Journal of Engineering (IJE) |
Author(s): | Dr.D.Gopinath and Dr.K.Natarajan |
[PDF File (257 KB)] - [Abstract] | |
Title: | ABO Blood Type and Personality Traits in Healthy Indian Subjects Production |
Issue: | International Journal of Health Science(IJHS) |
Author(s): | Balagurusamy. K, Subash Chandran. G and Pitchiah Kumar. M |
[PDF File (547 KB)] - [Abstract] | |